Open: Mon - Fri 5:30am to 7pm | Sat 7am to 12pm | Sun 3:30pm to 6pm | News and Events

The Weekly Bite – August 10 2018 – Issue 2289

Hi All

Have you had sickness visit your household lately? There seem to be quite a few bugs flourishing including nasty head colds, bronchitis, tummy problems and even a virus which makes you feel dizzy and off balance. We had a record number of staff off last Monday (actually four!!) and John, our Detailing and Maintenance staff member, did a wonderful job of disinfecting and cleaning the Allied Health office and the photocopy room, down to the last little specks of dust. We have 7 computers in this area plus 3 phones and Petrina, who asked John if he could make the time to de-bug the rooms, was determined to keep the rest of us symptom free. It seems to have worked!

Brian and I will fly out to Broome for our Kimberleys trip on Sunday August 19. I am looking forward to seeing this part of Australia since so many of you have told me how different and beautiful it is. I am disappointed however to miss the Dickson’s Senior Expo this year. I have been attending this event with Darrol and other Team members for years now, taking my Saddle Chair and doing neck massage after massage during the 2 days. I am always amazed at the number of people whom have really restricted head turning ability. This year Petrina and Margy will hold the fort for me so if you plan to attend the Expo in Strathpine on August 30 and 31 between 8.30am and 2.30pm, visit our table and book in for your 10-minute free neck massage. 

We have another Exercise Right presentation and light luncheon coming up soon. Keep the date free so you can come along between 11am and 1pm on Wednesday September 5. 

Don’t forget we will be open all day Monday of Ekka week, and we will be open only 6am till 10am on Wednesday August 15 (that is our official Ekka public holiday) with a Stretch Class at 6.30am and a Learn to Step class at 9am. See you then!

Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre


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