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The Weekly Bite – June 1 2018 – Issue 2279

Hi All

The Biggest Morning Tea held last Monday and organised by the Green Apple Social Committee was a great success. Members Carolyn Evans, Susanne Allen, Joan Gregory, Pat Gray, Cora Zanetti and Shirley McGregor did an amazing job planning and delivering. Nessa and Petrina did a fabulous job promoting the event within the Centre. Then there were so many helpers on the day! You have all set a high bar for next years event!

Cheryl Ivory writes, 

“Once again on Monday morning we gathered to support the Biggest Morning Tea.  The lovely Suzanne Allen was our M.C. introducing Rebecca from Cancer Council who explained how the funds are used to help Cancer patients & research.  Then our beautiful Bridie shared her knowledge on latest research about the importance of exercise for Cancer patients which is now known as a valuable tool for recovery.

Monday was well supported with a good turnout & of course hard-earned funds were raised with lots of helping hands. Just to mention a few Pat Gray & Cora Zanetti who work tirelessly toward making yummy treats jams & relishes to sell, raised over $1,000.  A big thank you ladies & to others who contributed, also the rug Pat Gray made & donated to be raffle which was won by Pat MacDonald who works at reception. Thank you, Pat Gray. 

Joan Gregory, who looks after all the financial side for the event, Shirley McGregor & her helpers who organised the yummy sandwiches, scones & many cups of tea & coffee. Our always thoughtful Nessa who captures photos for our memories at all our events, thanks Nessa.Thank you to you all who contributed to this worthwhile cause setting up/ cleaning up the list goes on to make it a successful enjoyable event.”

Brian attended as a bottle washer and assisted in the kitchen where he could. He eagerly approached the jam and cake table when he arrived hoping to score the fruit cake Pat Gray had made on Sunday morning but he said to me woefully later, “everything that I wanted was sold out!” Luckily there were still jars of Cora’s chunky marmalade for me so he bought up big on that. I love Cora’s marmalade. 

The Wellness groups were involved in their periodical Progress Assessments this week. I will be discussing the results with Darrol and we will put something in next week’s newsletter regarding the outcomes. 

There seems to be a real epidemic of total and/or partial knee replacements these days. Since I had both my knees done together at the end of 2016, I am in the lucky position of really understanding the procedure from both sides of the knife, one side being “intellectual understanding of the procedure” and the other side “the cut and paste job resulting in new mechanical knee joints”. I am able to discuss knee replacements from a pre and post-surgery angle and I seem to be doing a lot of that lately. One very helpful intervention during the TKR journey is the necessary release of soft tissue (using clinical massage not physiotherapy). I am amazed at how seldom this is suggested or recommended, both by treating doctors and specialists and also within the rehab centres at the hospital. I can tell you first-hand that this massage work makes an incredible difference. I like to do a treatment on TKR patients and encourage them to follow through with their own work on their knees once they can see how to do it. 

Check out the Courses and Workshops coming up in the Centre in June, July and August. Great way to make the most of your Green Apple journey.  


Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre



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