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The Weekly Bite – March 22, 2019—Issue 2320

Hi All

Congratulations to all of you whom have been participating in the Healthy Weight Challenge. You have been so dedicated to making changes and you should be really proud of your commitment to yourself, to Petrina, side kick Nessa and to the group.  Monday, this week, will be your final session and then it will be maintaining what has been achieved, and improving anything you wish to from now on. You have the tools to do this well. Petrina and Nessa are discussing how they can provide you with help during your ongoing journey. One suggestion is a periodical get-together, possibly monthly or every two months to meet and discuss successes and challenges. 

Another avenue will be to have one-on-one Personal Training Coaching. This is different from having a new program session with your Buddy (which should happen every 8 weeks to keep the exercises you are doing appropriate to your goals and your level of ability). PT coaching is used to make every exercise you are doing as meaningful as possible. This may result in coaching in technique, or intensity, or resistance, i.e. coaching in any direction that is going to help with better and faster results. The support that your Personal Trainer can offer you is very different from the actual setting up of your program.  Think of any sport where your body performance needs to be constantly monitored and fine tuned. Whether you are a swimmer, a tennis player, a track athlete, your coach plays a hugely important role in how you progress.  It is no different when you have personal goals in relation to your own body’s performance. Having an expert advise you weekly, keeps you on track and your exercise relevant and meaningful. When I could see how well the Healthy Weight Challenge Group were going, I decided to offer a Personal Training special to get this “energy high” for any member who really, really wants to achieve something.  If this is you, find out more.  Just think about what you want to achieve in the next 11 weeks and invest in yourself (make it your Easter gift to yourself; it will be the best Easter egg you have ever had!).

Have you met our new Team member, Anne O’Sullivan?  You will see Anne at Reception and working with other Team members to learn the million things we do behind the scenes to ensure you are looked after at gold level. Do welcome Anne when you see her. 


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  • No structured exerciseStructured exercise 1-2 times per weekStructured exercise 3-5 times per weekStructured exercise 6-7 times per week