Healthy Eating
Active Lifestyle
Course commences: Tuesday January 15
Time: 12pm and 6pm
Length of course: 8 weeks
The objective of this course is to understand exactly what you are eating and how to make educated choices so you have control over your diet
Learn to write a Food Diary. Most people see a food diary as one extra thing they have to do but research has provided evidence that recording your food intake can have a very powerful impact.
The important thing is to keep this food diary simply and mindfully, with a desire to learn about what worked for you, rather that grudgingly as a form of punishment.
Benefits of keeping a Food Journal. People who keep a food diary lose twice as much weight as those who don’t, according to a study published by the American Journal of Preventative Medicine.
First, it can identify what you are not eating enough of or too much of.
Second, it helps you lose weight in a healthy, structured way because the food diary can reveal unhealthy habits that prevent weight loss.
Third, it helps detect food intolerances. If you occasionally feel nauseous or bloated you can look back and identify foods that you might possibly be intolerant to.
Fourth, it helps with sensible portion control (Note: You can also purchase a Portion Plate from Green Apple Reception for $3.95 to help with portion control).
Fifth, it is the most affordable and effective method for long term weight control which still allows for special treats and/or individual differences.
Victoria’s Note: I live by the principles of the Healthy Eating and Active Lifestyle course. I enjoy a wide variety of foods, indulge in special treats when I want them and feel healthy and well most of the time. I can’t recommend the HEAL course highly enough.
This course commences next week! ENROL NOW for a wonderful start to 2019.