Hi All
You may have seen Wanda delivering an Aqua class on Tuesday at 4 pm and on Thursday at 12 noon which doesn’t appear on our group class schedule for Aqua classes. These are special Warm Water classes for people with any form of arthritis that we deliver for Arthritis NSW, and all the bookings are made through Arthritis NSW directly by phoning 02 9857 3314. If you have friends or family with this painful condition who can attend at the times the classes are delivered, you could provide them with the phone number. Currently, the Thursday class is at full capacity however I believe there are still 4 or 5 spaces remaining in the Tuesday Warm Water class.
Charlie has survived his ” Uncomfortable Challenge” and he tells me that he had an unexpected encounter on his Sunday run. You may have heard of the art project that an international creative photographer organised to happen on Saturday night, and Sunday morning until 9am, on the Storey Bridge. The event planned was a massive photo shoot of lots and lots of disrobed bodies. Well, Charlie was oblivious of the event when he decided to go for his run on Sunday morning and was bemused, if not amazed, to be confronted with countless naked bodies, all ages, shapes and sizes, comfortable in their bodies and nakedness, taking comfort from their group endeavour. The highlight of the week of his challenge perhaps, and probably a memory and a sight he will never forget! I was laughing as I watched Charlie’s face as he told me the tale!!
I have been happy to donate something to Charlie’s good cause, “homelessness”. It is not too late to add your contribution, and I am sure Charlie will be happy with any amount you can spare. I put my donation in cash, in an envelope with my name and the amount on it and posted it into the letterbox in the small weights room. Charlie entered it online for me, then provided me with an email showing evidence of receipt of the amount gifted.
I am writing this before we celebrated Halloween day. If you came in on Thursday, October 31, then you may have seen the Green Apple team in a variety of disguises. During our team meeting on Tuesday morning October 29 the Team asked if they could dress up or celebrate Halloween day in some fashion. Now I know Halloween is very much an American celebration, but it seems to be gaining more and more exposure in Australia, and I thought it would probably be harmless and give everybody a bit of a laugh and create a bit of fun so we went ahead with it. I hope you enjoyed it and joined in with the fun if you were here.