Hi All
Just a reminder that we open 6am till 10am this Wednesday, Australia Day, and Brian will be taking his Stretch Class slightly later than usual, at 6.30am.
Brian and I have both been astounded by how well you are attending and the effort everyone is making to remain as positive and pro-active as possible in this challenging time. You deserve a big pat on the back for your determination to weather this out in the best possible way.
I have been asked to clarify the mask wearing policy within the Green Apple. We are lucky to have so much area outside which means that most of our cardiovascular huff and puff work is done in fresh air. Having established that, it is still an expectation that you wear your masks during your time in Green Apple and this means covering both mouth and nose. HOWEVER, there is some leeway if you are struggling with your mask during your workout. When there is no one else around you, you can lower your mask but as soon as anyone comes into that area, full mask wearing must resume. This is not inviting people to pull down their mask whenever they feel like it but an attempt to give those of you who really need it a possible coping mechanism.
One way some members are managing this is to attend when there are fewer people in the gym or to look for the places within the Centre where they can have lots of personal space. This advice is for those of you who really need help to cope with heat, humidity, breathing issues. Some members are able to wear their masks constantly when they are in Green Apple and other venues and they don’t want to think about an on/off policy.
There are two main considerations we all must stay aware of:
1. COVID is airborne and that if we have co-morbities health-wise, or a compromised immune system, we need to use mask wearing as a sensible level of protection.
2. We are all human with our own perceptions of what we believe in so staying sensitive to others and how they feel right now is critical.
Let’s stay focussed on the benefits of being able to use equipment to keep ourselves strong. Staying home is not the option if you want to keep your immunity boosted, your mental and your emotional health stable. Unite in helping us achieve positive outcomes for all of us.