Hi All
By the end of this month, I should be cleared to start some structured strength work rather than just focusing on improving the range of movement in my right shoulder. It has been 5 months now since I had major surgery to reattach my rotator cuff muscles after my spectacular fall in the Kimberley’s last year.
My surgeon was happy with my progress at the three-month mark but stressed “no weights, just range of movement exercises and water work”. So, I have been very good and sticking to my regime every day. During the past week however I decided that I need to prepare for the strength work I will be given permission to do at the end of April. What better way than to use the Forever Active equipment using very light resistance. And after a successful couple of sessions I thought to myself, how lucky I am to have equipment that can provide a safe starting place for me.
One thing that I noticed as I progressed down the machines was how many of them had their pins down the weight stack, obviously just left in the hole that it had been put in when the last person using the equipment had left it. I urge you to take the pin out when you complete your reps and return it to the lightest weight. We encourage everyone to replace everything you use to where it was, and this includes the pins in Forever Active equipment, so please, please, help make this happen before someone is hurt by inadvertently lifting something heavier than they expected.
Petrina (and Nessa) will be away during the two weeks of the school holidays. I have opened up a few Massage appointments in the next two weeks for anyone who needs to have soft tissue release. If these appointments become booked and we need to offer more RM session times I am happy to do this for the time Petrina is away.
I have been asked if I plan to do a follow up session on the hand exercises, I covered on a Monday at 7am recently. If there is interest I will, so let the Reception team know. I also have exercises I can share for the shoulder. The sequence I have devised differs a little from conventional physio work and has certainly been working for me.
The E newsletter was sent off to you all last week so if you didn’t receive it let Sonya know.
We have masses of things happening in May so check out all the noticeboards. There will be something there that will interest you.