Hi All
There is so much going on behind the scenes at Green Apple, mostly exciting, that I want to share it all with you. Some of them are transitional changes that will affect some members and everything is being organised to minimise any disruption to your usual Green Apple service.
First, we say farewell to Tiffany who tells me that she would like to go out into the world to try other sorts of workplaces. Tiffany came to Green Apple directly from school and then 4 years of university and this has been her first job. Tiffany knows she has learnt so much from us all and wants to thank everyone, both the Team whom have worked with her as well as all the members she has looked after. Tiffany is doing everything she can to “hand over” her responsibilities professionally before she leaves on August 16. Brian and I wish her the very best and have told her our Green Apple door is always open to her.
Second, after nearly 40 years of service Barbara Donaldson has decided to retire from her work position and to become instead, one of you, an attending member. Barbara has given me plenty of notice and will stay in her current role till the end of September so the transition for all of you whom Barbara has programmed for or done personal training with is being carefully planned. Barbara has been a truly exceptional workmate to us all and I will dedicate a much bigger “story” in the newsletter closer to the retirement date. Please keep an eye out for our in-house farewell celebrations which are being organised by (The Legend) Katrina Bethell.
Third, we officially welcome our lovely Charlotte Barnes into her new role as an accredited exercise physiologist. Back from a very well-deserved holiday after completing her Masters, Charlotte will be jumping in boots and all to help Bridie and Sunny maintain continuity of care within the Allied Health room.
Fourth, we welcome new Team member Wanda Dickens whom not only has been a member in the past but has also been at Green Apple recently to do practicum for her studies. Wanda impressed us all so much that, even when we had no positions available, she was actually offered the first option if one came up. I am truly delighted to have Wanda with us and she will be a wonderful person to help with all the members involved in the hand-over, both for Charlotte (whom has had a lot of member-buddies) and Barbara.
If you are planning on down-sizing from your current home sometime in the future, keep Wednesday August 28 from 12 till 2 free. We have something in the pipeline just for you.