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The Weekly Bite – December 13, 2019—Issue 2357

Hi All

Are you one of our members who have decided to indulge in a Christmas massage or to use Personal Training as a coping mechanism over the festive season? We have sold more than ten Green Apple Christmas Gift Packs so far and have another 30 available for anyone who wants true value in a purchase.  Not only do you receive $120 to $165 worth of Personal Training, or $100 to $110 worth of really fine massage, the towel wrapped in the package is a real bonus. All for a fee of $99!  The towels are lovely and actually much nicer than I thought they were going to be. Why? Because Nessa chose what we would use, organised the vibrant colours and the screen printing. Great effort.These gifts provide such an opportunity to involve family and friends in a “trial” membership. It is the only time of year that we offer this one-month access and in past years it has given people a head start on their New Year resolutions.

The race is on to fill in your Christmas Bonus Card. Every year we offer you the chance to earn $30 spending money in the Green Apple. As long as you attend 20 times to do your exercise between December 14, 2019 and January 27, 2020, you will earn and deserve your Bonus.

One service you can use your Bonus for in the New Year will be to participate in Petrina’s Healthy Weight Challenge. We only deliver the course once yearly at a time that can be critical in some people’s lives. If we don’t get a real handle on our eating, exercise, our energy and our life expectations at the start of the year, we can struggle for months.  The eight-week course will commence on February 10 and will run for 8 weeks between Christmas and Easter. Members pay $99 for the course so the $30 Bonus can help fund it.  You can do this course multiple times and still get amazing benefits so if you were successful last year definitely think about enrolling again.

John, from maintenance and detailing, says “We have now installed the new wipes in the Cardio, Fitball and Forever Active areas and so far all is going very well”.  These wet wipes are for you to use to wipe down equipment after use, especially in hot weather when perspiring. Previous products that we have tried have dried out and have not been successful so let us know if the new product has been a better choice.

We have so much planned for 2020. I can remember someone saying to me many, many years ago (probably when I hit 50) that “perhaps it is time to slow down”. It was actually my doctor at the time, now retired and probably taking his own advice.  Quite honestly, I feel life just gets busier every year. There is so much that can be done in this field of health and wellness and so much to be gained personally by doing it. I’m not talking about financial gain but huge professional and personal satisfaction.

You all keep me on my toes!!

Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre


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