Hi All
When I asked Brian if he would like to do something special for his 69th birthday on February 17, he said (suspiciously) “and what are you thinking of giving me”. I think he thought it was going to be some strenuous physical adventure like a cycling holiday. I might say that this question cropped up before our Kimberley’s trip so he was probably quite right to be wary.
“How about a week’s cruise leaving on your birthday” I said.
“Book me in” he said with no hesitation and a look of relief.
So that is where we will be going this Sunday, cruising up to North Queensland. I am sure we will both enjoy it. Brian will HAVE to relax because there is nothing to fix or make which is what he usually does regardless of where we are, and I have been cleared to do more than ‘range of movement’ exercises.
When I saw Dr Bansi on Thursday February 7, he was very pleased to see (on the ultrasound) that the muscles and tendons he had stapled back onto my bones were intact, despite telling me post-surgery that he had very little hope or expectations of success with my ruptured subscapularis re-attachment. So now I can do water strengthening exercises and very basic body strengthening using my right shoulder and left wrist/hand. It will certainly keep me busy through the cruise so the timing couldn’t be better!
Next week we will have some news about how our pilot program for selected children has been going. Bridie, Darrol and the students from ACU have been doing an excellent job and I have great hopes that this is the real start of being able to help children whom are challenged in relation to sufficient and appropriate exercise.
Petrina will be on to week three of her 8-week Healthy Weight Challenge. If you are doing this course, I would really like to hear from you some time during the 8 weeks. I know Petrina will be happy to get constructive feedback and my main interest is how much is it helping you in your journey.
Everything we do at Green Apple is with that in mind, just how much are we helping you achieve your goals and what can we provide to do a better job. We have courses provided at no cost to you, programs the government helps fund (even though the business pays for the staff training to enable us to be registered to deliver the course) and we have our own courses and services that DO cost something to attend because the staff time and effort needs to be factored in.
So check out what course is designed to help YOU.