Hi All
Do you know when we have our Aqua classes? Last week I discovered a member who really likes to do Aqua and wanted to know if we would schedule more classes in the morning. She thought we only did Aqua on Monday at 10 am and also on Saturday. Since she feels that working people need to be able to access the Saturday class, she felt perhaps it was better not to attend that class. When I mentioned we did have Aqua on Thursday mornings at 10am, she was surprised. So I thought I would write this in the newsletter to make sure we get the message out.
Aqua classes are held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 6pm and Saturday at 9am, as well as on Monday and Thursday classes at 10am.
Class numbers can vary and, at times, the Aqua leader will need to divide the class up to utilise both ends of the pool. This requires creativity in the planning of the class and also relies on participants being prepared to try new things to get the most out of the activities. Previous years we have actually put an extra class on Saturday in the attempt to keep the numbers manageable and this was successful to some degree (the problem being that some people get into the habit of attending at a certain time and they prefer not to shift into another class).
Recently we have had some incredibly hot weather and the solar heating has increased the pool temperature to something more akin to bath water than a refreshing tepid dip. I believe the weather will be changing over the next few weeks and this will be reflected in the water temperature.
Solar heating requires a blanket with tubes that the water circulates through and it sits on the roof reflecting the temperatures of the roof. On really hot days you can probably fry an egg on a hot Queensland tin roof. There is a temperature control but since the tubes must be cleared or purged periodically, so the water doesn’t just stagnate in the tubes, the pump will switch itself on automatically and purge the water from the roof into the pool. This may happen when an Aqua class is in progress so I want you to know that this is not a planned event but a random clearing of the tubes.
I have been asked if it will be possible to have Aqua earlier in the day since 10am has been a bit hot and I think this is a good idea. Since all staffing rosters have been established for this Summer (which is a mammoth task to fit everything in that we want to deliver) there will be no changes at this stage for Aqua. I am very prepared, however, to consider any requests for when we start Aqua again later this year (after Winter) and also over the special Christmas and New Year schedule when we organise extra Aqua classes while people are on holiday.
I appreciate constructive feedback regarding any of our services. Unless you share your thoughts with me I may not realise what you are thinking. I do ask questions and listen to anything people suggest. Some services or things are difficult to change or deliver for multiple reasons. Sometimes it is because there are people who love the idea and others whom absolutely don’t want a part of it. So keep me in touch with your thoughts and if I can help I will. And if I can’t I’ll tell you why.
I have been so impressed with the attendance level in the gym during the hot weather. Remember, as long as you drink lots of water and listen to your body ie do what your body is capable of rather than feel you must finish everything, you will be exercising safely.