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The Weekly Bite – January 31, 2020—Issue 2362

Hi All

Those of you who go to Aqua or use the swimming pool will know that we ask everyone to sluice off in the outdoor shower in the pool area before entering the water so we keep it in pristine condition. During the early months of Aqua, when the air temperature was cool, hopping under the cold water was a challenge. So Brian wanted to do something about this by adding some heat to the shower water.  Quite ironically, now that we are all sweltering under stifling Queensland heat, Brian has been able to achieve this. He has installed a gas water heater and hopes this will really help as the months grow cooler.

Just a reminder on our policy on equipment-sharing within Green Apple. I know this can be a very touchy subject and I understand that some members would like to spend lengthy stints on certain pieces of equipment; however in busier times in the gym it is necessary for us to have a 10 minute maximum on anything that we only have one or two items available. I am a great believer in combining a variety of activities to get the best cardiovascular benefits and this is why we have so many different machines and possible choices. Talk to your programmer about how to get the best outcomes by mixing and matching.  There are certain times the Centre is much quieter than others. If you really wish to use certain equipment for a longer time, plan ahead to come in then. As long as there is another machine of the same kind available to use, you can extend your time.

I encourage all members who are waiting and want to use equipment that someone else is using to approach them and let them know that you will have it as soon as they finish. Even on a cruise this is standard procedure. On the NZ cruise over Christmas I used a bike that was the only one of its kind and people would come and say “ So I can plan my workout can you tell me how long you will be?” As soon as I knew someone was waiting I was happy to vacate it. That was in busy times and if I wanted to do extended time on the bike I learnt to go in when the cruise ship gym was quiet.

Great to see how many of you are getting back into your exercise. Keep up the excellent work.

Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre


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