Hello All
Can you help? We are looking for people who will qualify for a very new pilot project being rolled out by the accreditation body for Exercise Physiologists, ESSA.
The government has provided funding to support the initiative to help people over 65+ become more active. Green Apple is one of the first venues to provide this and Sunny, Bridie and Tiffany will finally complete their necessary pre-delivery training on July 22.
Unfortunately we cannot include members in the study because you are already classified as “committed” so we need to find people who meet certain criteria, ie 65 and over (this is not tied back to a medical concern but purely an age-group), whom are not meeting the Australian National Guidelines of 30 minutes of physical activity on most days of the week, who will commit to attending a class under supervision once weekly for 12 weeks.
The other criteria is relating to whether or not people are on certain government funding in other areas. We have to be careful not to be seen as enrolling Seniors who are already receiving significant government support in some other “package”.
So at the end of the day we are endeavouring to source Seniors in the community whom are allowed to be included and who will see it as a bit of an opportunity. Costs are kept to a minimum and it will be in anyone’s grasp financially. Data will be gathered. And we will make it fun!!
We already have some connections with Retirement venues and some community groups whom have shown interest but we are appealing to any Green Apple member whom has contact with Probus groups, U3A, Self-funded Retirees, Churches, in fact anyone whom has the best interests in the health and wellness of their people.
It is such an exciting time in the world today, with research leading to greater understanding of how physical activity affects the general health of our body. I remember back 40 years ago when people exercising for the sake of exercise (rather than sport) were considered “gym junkies”. The primary reason given by most girls starting at the gym was to look better, and particularly to lose weight so they would look good at the beach. Exercising for health reasons was rare.
Today, doing our “body-housekeeping” using appropriate exercise is essential if we want our body to function optimally. Most medical conditions will respond to some level of physical activity, and even the ageing process can be slowed down significantly through our own activity efforts.
If you have someone that I, or the exercise physiologists, can contact to discuss the project with the view of finding the right cohort, please let me know.