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The Weekly Bite – July 26, 2019—Issue 2337

I have been seeing many fellow total knee replacement members recently and because I know member “Margaret” has had a recent knee replacement, I was interested in her progress report.  I wrote to Margaret saying

“We plan to put a little article in the newsletter and since I am seeing a lot of people pre and post total knee replacements at present (I am not taking a lot of massage appointments right now, business matters are full-on, so I am almost specialising in knees) I want to write about the benefits of having the soft tissue problems cleared before the surgery, and then the fluid build up, range of motion addressed after surgery. I would like to ask you your opinion as someone whom has gone through it all and whom has come out the other side successfully, and Massage was part of the journey.”

Margaret responded “I have just been to my post op visit and received a great report from Dr Ganko and the physiotherapist.  They are both really pleased with my progress and I don’t need to see them for 6 weeks.   I am both relieved and delighted.  Thank you so much for your wonderful help.  Many thanks, Margaret.”

If you have any concerns about your knees I hope you have been attending Sunny’s current TKR workshop.  I am keen to have feedback from you to hear how much you benefitted from this. My major passion currently is knee and shoulder rehab, plus specific clinical massage of these joints, and the ways we can help ourselves when we have knee or shoulder surgery.  If you would like to make an appointment to see me in the Clinic to discuss your particular needs and to have some soft tissue release work that is specific to your body, please let me know.  If there are no available appointments, let staff know and I will contact you.  I am always available by email, [email protected], on any matter you wish to discuss/need help with.



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