Hi All
Would you believe that my granddaughter came over for a swim in the Green Apple pool last weekend? When you think what the temperatures have been early in the day I think she showed amazing resilience. Caitlin brought a young friend with her (they are both first year high school so heading into their teens) and they stayed in the water for an impressive length of time. It made me realise that Aqua really isn’t so very far away. In 8 or 9 weeks we should have our Summer class schedule in action so I am going to start planning towards this very soon.
Member Phoebe Bretherton has asked me to spread the news about a very interesting research project that her daughter, Michelle Lum, is conducting for her PHD. I am sure some of you will remember Michelle from the days she did a remarkable job as treasurer and helper in our fundraising for Camp Quality. I would like to support her efforts by encouraging as many of you as possible to participate in her interesting survey.
Michelle is doing her research on communication in healthcare settings. Information is being gathered by an anonymous online survey open to all residents over 18 years. The purpose is to determine how people experience communication with healthcare practitioners in primary healthcare settings, such as medical and dental services. The PHD research involves rating your experiences in a survey that will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You will be asked to rate, for example, your confidence when describing pain, or confusion re understanding practitioner’s instructions. You will be asked about how you feel generally, and about expressing your feelings. Participants will be offered the opportunity to enter a separate random draw prize for one of four $50 Coles/Myers gift cards.
I will put full details of this up on the Reception noticeboard and also include here, in the newsletter, how you can access the survey online.
1. Google “QUT news”
2. Open www.qut.edu.au/news
3. Scroll down to under “17th July 2018”
4. Respond to “Tell us what you really think of your healthcare”.
Good luck with this and let us know if you experience any problems with it.
On Exhibition Day (15th August) Brian and I will open 6am till 10am. Brian will take Stretch at 6.30am and I will take a Learn To Step class at 9am. I really encourage any member who feels like adding a skill, which will help in their health journey, to attend this class with me. It will be a very basic skill-building class but it will also provide a good workout. I like to make it a fun learning experience.