Hi All
Last week Sunny, Bridie, Tiffany and I all watched an extended Webinar that was obligatory for anyone intending to deliver a new government sponsored program for the 65plus cohort. The Webinar was delivered by ESSA, the registration body for Exercise Physiologists, which has been successful in gaining the grant money for the project. At the Green Apple, we are in on the ground floor in relation to this initiative.
Most of the Webinar focussed on what the State of Victoria has been diligently working on i.e. an evidence-based Best Practice Framework for the necessary elements in a sustainable physical activity program for older people. The most interesting aspect of viewing this and listening to their gathered evidence and subsequent criteria selection was how similar it was to the research I did before I designed all the programs we provide for this demographic within the Green Apple.
1. A committed and equipped organisation, with identified quality values, effective networks, comfortable and safe venue, fair fees, and a pathway for staff development.
2. Skilled and attentive leaders, expert, responsive, nurturing, with a broad scope of knowledge of other appropriate contacts/services.
3. Appropriate and rewarding program, accessible, friendly, safe, beneficial.
4. Programs designed with observable benefits, fun, energising, obvious improved functioning of participants, plus provision of feedback on progress (basic assessments).
The ESSA program will require some participant funding and some grant funding so it is not “free” like the My Health for Life and BEAT IT programs we currently provide, and it will be for people who are not currently exercising but whom really need to be. You may know people older than 64 who really need help. This program is being designed just for them.
Did you know that you burn up more calories exercising in winter? Work hard and get the full benefit body-wise.