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The Weekly Bite – July 6 2018 – Issue 2284

Hi All

If you watched INSIGHT on SBS last Tuesday night you will know that you are definitely on track in relation to your health efforts when doing your exercise. On this program, not only was exercise-in-general discussed as essential in the management of multiple chronic conditions, but there was great emphasis on the need to do tailored physical activity. That means exercise needs to address the person’s needs rather than any old exercise for all and sundry. When you watch a show like that you will understand my passion to provide a community centre where there is much social interaction combined with individual exercise prescription. It is the formula that I believe works best and gives the person being programmed for the best chance of success. 

Sticking to exercise is not easy. Like most things in life, the struggle we have in complying and adhering to anything “which does us good” is a tough one. Whether it is diet or exercise, we may need a little bit, or a big heap, of help along the way. 

This help takes many shapes. It might be Remedial Massage or a few personal training sessions or enrolment in a diet course.  When you know where your biggest challenges are, you are then in a position to tackle them. 

The helpful diet course, the Healthy Eating and Active Lifestyle course, is coming up fast. Bridie will take this eight-week course starting in August.  Enrolments are in progress now and anyone whom has T2diabetes and has already done the Type 2 Diabetes Group Education course in a previous year at Green Apple is eligible for a follow up referral to do the next level i.e. the HEAL COURSE. People whom have T2D will not need to pay (bulk-billed) and will have an extra session (one-on-one session before the course so Bridie has a history of your T2D and how it has been managed). 

Are you coming to the Exercise Right Luncheon (interesting speakers plus light luncheon) on  July 18? See the noticeboard in Reception for more info, and plan what you will bring on your plate to share. Friends and family will also get major benefit from attending so bring them along as your guest. 



Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre



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  • No structured exerciseStructured exercise 1-2 times per weekStructured exercise 3-5 times per weekStructured exercise 6-7 times per week