Hi All
Easter is coming up fast and you will be wanting to know what hours we open and close. Easter is the only time of year when we actually close for four consecutive days. We used to open for part of the weekend however when they made all four days gazetted public holidays I made the decision that we all would take the break, and this included all staff.
Having said that, Brian and I often use Easter to address some work within the Centre that we just cannot get done when the place is open. At this stage we are still planning what to use the time for this year. There are several projects pending including renovating the Children’s Activity area to use for further gym space, finalising the planning for the new toilet block, and renovating the Men’s toilet to include lockers and urinal. Much of this is planning so we can provide specifics to the plumber and builder but there is also painting and repairing things in the old children’s area. Challenging on top of our usual work schedule, but exciting!
Just a heads up for Anzac Day and May Day, we will open 3 till 7pm Anzac Day (in the afternoon so we don’t clash with marches and memorial services in the morning) and I will be taking a Learn to Step at 4pm, with a Step for Intermediate Level at 4.30pm. A great opportunity to gain new skills– Step is a wonderful hip thigh (and bottom-firmer) exercise which also raises your heart rate without high impact-loading on your joints.
On May Day we will open from 6 till 10am with Step at 6.30am and Stretch at 9am with Brian.
Barbara will be on holidays for 2 weeks and you can see elsewhere in the newsletter what we have planned in relation to her classes. For those of you who love Brian’s sense of humour and his Barbell Class format, he will be taking his famous Barbell class for 45 minutes from 5.30pm on March 21 and 28.
We need 5 more names down for our Self Defence for Women so we can book the instructor re the starting date. The plan is to provide this class for six weeks on Sundays at 4pm. Total fee of $66. This is a wonderful opportunity to gain some valuable tips that could even save your life!!
The Winter Group Class Schedule will replace our current Summer schedule directly after Easter, commencing April 4. There is a copy of what is planned on the Reception noticeboard and I am keen to have your feedback, and this includes any positive or constructive negative comments. Could you send an email to me at [email protected] or hand write a note to go into my in basket.
I am writing this prior to the Bay Island bus trip on Sunday and we are all crossing our fingers that the cyclone heading our way mid-week will head out to sea, and that the day will be sunny and fun. Pat Gray and the day tour organiser, Judy Watters, have gone to a great deal of trouble to organise this and Joan Gregory has done the honours with balancing all the money handed in. Big thank to Pat and Joan. There are 40 of us on this trip so I will ask someone to write up an editorial for me after the event.
Keep up the good work on your body-housekeeping. It is all worth it!