Open: Mon - Fri 5:30am to 7pm | Sat 7am to 12pm | Sun 3:30pm to 6pm | News and Events

The Weekly Bite – Monday 11th April, 2022 —Issue 2459

Hi All

Get ready for many, many short weeks over the next month. At the end of this week we go into Easter, so Easter Friday and Easter Monday will cause the first four-day weeks. Then we will have Anzac Day in April 25 and May Day on May 2 which will give us another 2 four day weeks.

We will close over all of Easter and I’ll let you know what we plan to do on Anzac Day and May Day. Brian and I open the Centre for four hours on public holidays, usually from 6am till 10am, to give you all access but Anzac Day is a bit different because we usually attend a service somewhere to honour Australian and New Zealand service people. My father was one of the doctors whom were captured and interned with Weary Dunlop during the Second World War. I think many of you also like to observe certain procedures on this special day of recognition and that is why, if we open at all that day, it is in the afternoon instead of the morning. Keep an eye on the newsletter for decisions made about this.

Were you one of the participants attending Loretta’s Fitball Drumming classes last week? What a turn out!! Nineteen on Tuesday!! Brian watched Reception while Sonya attended the class and took a mini-video (that Nessa put up on Facebook)  and Sonya said it was fantastic.

The final Splashing Good Time class will be held on Wednesday April 13 and the leader of that class, Zach, will be going on two weeks holiday from Easter. The other Aqua classes will continue until the final class this season, Saturday April 23

If you have a birthday card which gifts you $20, to be  deducted from a massage appointment with Toni, I really encourage you to use it. Soft tissue release can free your body in ways that even regular stretching can’t do. There are so many benefits from this type of work that it would take me hours to describe.

Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre



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