Open: Mon - Fri 5:30am to 7pm | Sat 7am to 12pm | Sun 3:30pm to 6pm | News and Events

The Weekly Bite – Monday 14th March, 2022 —Issue 2455

Hi All

Despite floods and the effect on so many whom have been affected by damage to property, either on a personal level or family and friends, we have been so pleased to see you making an effort to keep your exercise high priority.

The problems caused by the incredible downpours will take a long time for some people to recover. I know that Team Member Katrina Bethell was devastated when she visited her home town to help family and has vowed to do what she can to help. Katrina is setting up a GoFundMe fundraising site to raise money to purchase white goods for people whom have no fridge or washing machine and no insurance because they live in an area that is flood prone hence not eligible for flood insurance. If you would like to donate something we will put details up at Reception that will give you all the detail or scan the code/website link at bottom right of newsletter.

We are looking forward to welcoming both Sunny and Bridie back into the Green Apple team!

Sunny returns to us from India this week. He will be doing some catch up work and business “onboarding”for the first day or so but ready to see you if you are due for a program review or a session of rehab exercises. See us at Reception to book appointments.

Sunny says he has had a lovely family visit and has kept away from any potential COVID threats and has been wearing a mask. He said the actual cases of COVID have been very, very low in his area so exposure has been minimal.

Bridie’s official re-start day is Wednesday April 4 and she will be taking appointments between 7am and 10am. Bridie’s “onboarding” session will be significantly longer and more in depth than Sunny’s because she has had many months away on maternity leave and there has been masses of water under the bridge since May 2021.

Keep a check on what activities we are planning for you on the next couple of months. We endeavour to use the newsletter, the Reception display boards and the Green Apple website for this.

Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre




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