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The Weekly Bite – Monday 15th August, 2022 —Issue 2477

Hi All

Despite the weather being nippy some of these mornings you really have maintained a good attendance rate. It was good to be working on the public holiday Wednesday morning last week because it gave me a chance to catch up with some of you.

It was great, too, to see how many of you turned up for Stretch with Brian at 6.30am. I am not sure if it was for the Licorice and ginger he hands out after class or his wacky sense of humour! Actually member Don Size tells me that the stretches that Brian does mostly are not the common ones that often get provided when members are programmed for. Don feels Brian chooses his stretches well, provides for all the necessary parts of the body and that they are achievable for most people to do. Thanks for sharing Don, and take a bow Brian!

Brian and I will be at Kirra this week. I am dragging him away from the ongoing, never-ending renovation work that he has been doing when we are not here working. Every weekend he spends full days building, plumbing, prepping electrical stuff, either on the roof or under the house or around the building on ladders on what looks like precarious scaffolding! And while he works, I work. So this week we will be putting on our “relaxation” hats and enjoying each other’s company. You can probably guess how challenging the “relaxation” bit can be sometimes but we managed it for a week earlier this year and the plan is to do the same again.

Next week, Monday August 22, Katrina and Nessa will be at the Dickson’s Senior Expo in Strathpine. Do go along and check it out. We may be doing a Presentation there also and Nessa will find out when that will be scheduled.

The next workshop with Bridie, Osteoporosis and Sarcopaenia (muscle loss), could be of interest to anyone but especially if you are over 50 years old. As we age, unless we actively do something about it, bone and muscle loss is going to happen to all of us. The trick is to KNOW how this will happen and also know how to take appropriate action. Ignorance may be bliss in some circumstances however this is one topic that is critical to know about. Check out the dates and book in.

Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre


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