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The Weekly Bite – Monday 16 September, 2024 —Issue 2584

Hi All

I know some of you will be wondering what time the Aqua classes will be on this summer. There is a definite plan to have a class on Saturday morning, last year we had it on Saturdays at 7am which enabled people to come, get their exercise done, and then have the rest of the day free to do what they needed to. The alternative time on Saturday is 11am however, in summer, that time can be a hot part of the day, apart from the issue of possibly disrupting anything else you might have on during the weekend. 

We want a definite response to any water classes we provide for you. This means a class number of 10 to 12 people regularly so I would like expressions of interest for Wednesday evening 6pm, and 7am Saturdays, for a pending Aqua class.  Additional Aqua classes are being planned for weekday mornings and now is the time for you to provide your preference and I will do my best to accommodate any time showing significant member-interest. 

Also, if you know people in the community looking for some water-based exercise, I would appreciate you spreading the word. Providing services for you that meet your needs, which are appropriate to our loyal clientele, provide significant health benefits, and, in relation to water exercise, also helps with load-reduction (via the buoyancy of water) for people with knee or joint pain and dysfunction, is my primary objective.

Unfortunately, I am unable to justify providing activities that only attract a few people. We have hundreds of members and a large number of associate members and any business expenditure in providing a service must be appropriately invested or spent. 

The Summer Group Class schedule is being prepared and where any current activity is attracting minimal support, it may have to go.

Kristen will put up an Expression of Interest notice on the Reception board to ask about the Saturday and Wednesday Aqua. There will also be a place to write your preference for Aqua times during the week. If you add your preference it needs to be a day and time you plan to attend regularly. In the past we’ve had initial interest and then when we have set up the activity based on your request, the numbers don’t reflect prior interest. 

If classes on the Winter Group Class schedule have poor attendance, they are also at risk, so any feedback re these classes if you want to keep them and suggest anything else you might like to see us provide instead.  

Decision time! Help me!    





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