Open: Mon - Fri 5:30am to 7pm | Sat 7am to 12pm | Sun 3:30pm to 6pm | News and Events

The Weekly Bite – Monday 17th January, 2022 —Issue 2447

Hi All

Did you know that one of the major problems during close-downs is the huge toll on mental health? Nearly all the research I am reading currently, and in conversations I have with my oldest brother who is a Physician who witnesses symptoms in patients, is the emphasis on keeping ourselves safe but also mentally and socially stable.

The incidence of domestic violence and acts of aggression since we have all been encouraged to spend a lot more time in our homes has escalated. And it is not just in Australia. When I discuss this with my sister in Germany when we walk every Friday morning together (Hilary in snow and I in the heat of the day) she tells me it is happening in her country also.

I am much more aware of how being forced to stay at home can affect us. In 2020 when we had to close for nearly 3 months, members who were used to attending Green Apple, both for exercise purposes as well as to be part of the Green Apple community, told me that they not only could feel their strength being affected but they really, really missed not having the social connection with others while they did their exercise. Those members living on their own felt this more keenly.

Interacting with others for part of our day, especially in a safe environment, makes a significant difference in our daily lives. And how we regard our world. This is why all of us at Green Apple are determined to do everything we can to keep things as normal as possible to provide a safe haven, to encourage safe, social interaction while you do your necessary body-housekeeping.

So take every precaution you know you need to, to be able to maintain your routines and habits. This is what keeps our lives meaningful and our mental and emotional health as stable as possible in a non-predictable world.

Australia Day is approaching fast and you need to know what is happening that day. Brian and I will open from 6am till 10am so you can do your exercise early in the day to be free for any other activity later on. Brian will take a Stretch Class at 6.30am (instead of the usual 6am so you have a chance to get settled in upstairs without rushing).
The pool will be open so if the weather is hot come and do some water walking or your pool exercises. Zach’s Splashing Good Time class will not be available on Australia Day.


Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre






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