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The Weekly Bite – Monday 18th July, 2022 —Issue 2473

Hi All

It is a true measure to knowing how diligent you are in relation to Centre hygiene, ie wiping down equipment after use, when I hear about how many paper rolls, wipes etc we are going through. One of our biggest challenges right now is getting the stock we need to keep up with you all. This “problem” is a two-edged sword really, on one side we are very happy that you are all helping keep the Green Apple safe and clean, and the other side is watching Brian madly chasing down what we need (poor supplies at our suppliers) and seeing Darrol’s frustration as he works with other suppliers to get the big rolls of wet wipes we usually use in the cardiovascular exercise area.

So you may see some substitutions around the place just to keep up the availability. Currently Brian has sourced some individual wet wipes to use in the cardio area and these will be in a packet rather than in rolls so seek and ye shall find!

Brian is also trying to stay on top of necessary maintenance while his right-hand man, Gary, is away till mid-August. It is a never-ending story and if parts or replacement units are required, actually getting them in Australia right now is a challenge. Member Reevesie has a favourite upright LifeFitness bike which needs attention. Brian knows what is needed to fix it but the supplier says “good luck with that!” Brian will always come up with some solution so I have bought him a T-shirt that says “I FIX STUFF and I know things” so keep an eye out for this. He hasn’t worn it yet but threatens to wear it at a Stretch Class one morning when the temperatures lift.

Over the weekend we had a major re-fit in the Allied Health room during which Brian and John helped our IT man, Manoli, completely revamp the staff stations and devices. Now that Charlie will be full time staff and Bridie is doing more hours after her year of maternity leave, we wanted all five Exercise Physiologists in one room so they can interact when/if needed. So, your Exercise Physiology Team of Charlotte, Bridie, Zach, Brontë and Charlie will have one Allied Health room and Loretta and Pat (essential AH admin staff) will have the adjoining room. What a huge job something like this is, just to get everything in place and then operational again. Computers are complex devices!!

Keep up YOUR good work!

Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre


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