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The Weekly Bite – Monday 28th March, 2022 —Issue 2457

Hi All

The news of the new COVID variant and how it is causing more and more families to have to isolate while the virus slowly works it’s way through the family members must certainly be causing significant disruption to family life as well as workplaces.

At Green Apple we have been relatively lucky up till now however I live with the COVID dagger poised over my head, waiting for it to fall. Not worried for myself, but very concerned about the possibility of having many staff away at the same time. We had to do quite a lot of juggling in the past couple of weeks and I must apologise to any of you whom have been disadvantaged. We are doing our best to cover any staff unable to come in and we try to give you some activity to replace anything that needs to change. We will continue to do our best through the coming weeks, maybe months??

Toni will be away next week, for one week, so if you have an appointment you should have been contacted to reschedule.

It was lovely to talk to you on Thursday morning, member Robert F, and to hear how you now can be helped through our “Medical” pathway within the Green Apple.

Just talking with you made me realise that there are many members here whom don’t know that we have a two tier service, we provide a service for Mainstream clients whose program can be customised to their needs and objectives. These members can be programmed for generally without too many rehab exercises.

Then we have our Allied Health medical pathway which provides very specific, tailored exercise based on medical history, possibly pre- and post-surgery.
The Exercise Physiologists at Green Apple are University trained, with more than four years studying under their belts, learning about metabolic conditions, biomechanical and neuromuscular conditions, and the medicine prescribed for the condition, and their field is to be able to prescribe the most appropriate exercise for you to do.
If you need to know more about how you can use this pathway, please let me know.

Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre


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