Open: Mon - Fri 5:30am to 7pm | Sat 7am to 12pm | Sun 3:30pm to 6pm | News and Events

The Weekly Bite – Monday 3 June, 2024 —Issue 2569

Hi All

Brian and I had an interesting and fun-time together on our trip to USA and, briefly, Canada. We are very appreciative of the diligence and duty of care shown by every person on the Green Apple team which enabled us to leave you all, knowing that you would be in the best of hands. We arrived back home at 5:25 am Sunday morning, May 26, after a 26-hour trip home (18 hours in the air and 8 hours in airports) and have hit the floor running. It’s great to be back and both of us are working hard to catch up. 

Wednesday, June 5, is the day of our first Origin game and team member Katrina has asked if the Green Apple team can wear their team colours to create a bit of interest and excitement and fun. If you as a member want to show your support of the game as a Queenslander or a New South Wales supporter, join in and be part of the football mania. Katrina is excited!

Regards our upcoming Type 2 Diabetes Group Education course, I am confirming that the 10 am class will commence as planned on Wednesday, June 5.  We will then have a further class starting in June, on Wednesday, June 19 at 5pm. 

There are still places available in this 5pm class so if you are interested in learning more about your diabetes and how you can benefit from listening to, and sharing, information then talk to us at Reception. You will need a doctor’s referral to do it through Medicare (at no cost to you) and you will have a one-on-one session with either Ben or Nathan before doing the course to make sure we understand your particular diabetes journey. 

We hear that the My Health 4 Life week brought a sparkle to Green Apple and that many of you supported the Green Apple team’s efforts. 

Question: How many members would be interested in a Theme day once a month to provide opportunities for interaction and a chance to get together on site for a cuppa?  I know that many of you go over to AHOY for a regular coffee together and I think this is wonderful however if we have a Theme day which could revolve around a special subject followed by a cuppa it might expand the interaction across a bigger base. (Thank you Reevesie for chatting with staff about something like this). As a member, what do you think of this idea?

We used to have a very proactive social committee which organised amazing events and activities for the benefit of all members. Some of the trips provided a bus and accommodation weekend, bigger journeys overseas, fantastic Christmas parties, fundraising events, and then COVID happened! The Social Committee was truly amazing.!

Now we organise occasional events like My Health 4 Life to help people get together. It is such an important part of Green Apple, and absolutely essential for our emotional and mental health. 

On another topic, close to my heart, many members have relaxed the processes I set up in Green Apple in relation to hygiene and cleanliness during COVID. I know that this is now common in so many places we visit these days, and Brian and I witnessed very mixed behaviours towards hygiene on both of our cruises, however it is still Green Apple policy to wipe down equipment where you have had contact with it, to wash your hands or use sanitiser regularly onsite, and be aware of any necessary distancing. All of this helps protect us individually, not just to avoid COVID but to manage possible contamination of any of the nasty bugs going around. Please support this initiative to keep us all as safe as possible. 



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