Hi All
We have some wonderful success stories that members share with us, and the best ones are the stories we can share with you. Thank you, member Sherenne, for letting us know we are making a positive meaningful difference to your life. That is what Green Apple is all about.
Recently I was approached by a member who wanted to let me know that she came to Green Apple to help with her bone density and it was too early to know if that was improving. Meanwhile however a visit to her GP provided great news, both her blood pressure and blood sugars were down now to “normal”. A great response to her exercise!
Bonus Card redemptions and Birthday Card redemptions. If you have had a birthday and still have your gift towards a massage with Toni, this is a great time of year to use it. Sorting out our soft tissue issues can really help us exercise more effectively. Another way you can tap into our specialised massage service is to use your Christmas Bonus Card of $30 towards a session with Toni. I know one member has plans to book in a 2 hour massage as her reward!
Another way to use your Christmas Bonus would be to have an initiation session with Wanda or Charlotte into the world of Pilates Reformer. This is a unique exercise form which addresses body alignment, body imbalances, postural alignment, core stability and generally make you feel taller, lengthened as well as functionally strengthened.
There are costs associated with the one-on-one time spent in educating you in the principles of Pilates and the specific qualities of the Reformer. This is an hour session during which your program is also developed. Once you have had this session and Wanda or Charlotte feel you are competent to do sessions on your own, you can book the use of the Reformer (50 minutes) using a 10 session Attendance Card which will cost you $115. The value of using this service vastly outweighs the minimal cost so if this interests you, please let us know at Reception and you will be contacted with further information.
You are all doing a great job keeping up with the equipment cleaning after use, as well as being diligent with your masks. It is hard however it is all worth the effort.