Hi All
Well, if it is not COVID and mask wearing, it is floods and road congestion! The trials and tribulations (for some more than others) since the beginning of this year has been quite incredible.
Remember, for now, masks are purely optional. Continue to wear yours if it makes you feel safer around others but if you are happier “mask-less” then we will be so glad to see your smiling face again!
Traffic and more traffic. Directly after the floods all trucks had to be directed through the little Bald Hills shopping centre because both the bridges were out at the Strathpine/Bald Hills flats roads, both the upper and lower levels, were closed till Thursday March 3, and then only open one-way, northbound. This opening has eased the horrendous congestion significantly so getting to and from the Green Apple will be much easier this week.
Did you know that we do a full and thorough Maintenance Check on all equipment and the facilities monthly to make sure everything is in top condition. And outside of this full check, we have a Maintenance Book at Reception that all reported faults and/or problems are entered into and this is checked religiously daily and fixed as quickly as possible. I tell you this so you know we rely strongly on you as a member to report absolutely anything you discover that you believe needs attention. Also if it is a cleaning issue John will pick it up and address it pronto.
We also have a Members’ Message Book which you can use to write any concerns regarding any matter, and also to use to recognise exceptional work done by a Green Apple team member or something you have really appreciated within the Centre.
It has been brought to my attention that many of you might not know the full extent of what services we provide these days and that it might be a good idea to explain some of them, for example doctors’ referrals of Enhanced Primary Care plans (EPC) and who is eligible for these, our NDIS service (which can be accessed both onsite and mobile offsite or at home), our daily Arthritis Moves online exercise class which people access at home, and workshops like the one Sunny will deliver soon, Osteoporosis and Sarcopaenia (muscle wastage). If you would be interested in an hour Presentation catch up by me on a certain day at a certain time do let us know at Reception. We could combine it with a cuppa perhaps?
Cheers Victoria