Hi All
Isn’t it hard to keep up with everything in these four-day weeks! Very easy to feel out of whack due to the 3-day closure and then four 4-day weeks (Easter Friday and Monday, Anzac Day Monday public holiday and next week, Labour Day on Monday!). I can’t wait to have everything settle down into a more normal routine.
To all our keen Yoga participants, Lezley will be away for 4 weeks and Natalie (Nat), whom many of you have already met, will be taking the Saturday class while Lezley is away. It is important for you to know that neither Lezley or Nat can be here on Saturday May 8 so we are replacing Yoga that day with a no fee option, Stretch, with Wanda at 9am. Then off for a coffee afterwards as usual.
The last Aqua class for this season will be on Saturday April 24. I will be able to give you more information soon about any replacement classes.
You may meet our two new Exercise Physiologists in the Centre over the next few weeks as they are trained up in Green Apple methods and systems. Zachery (Zach) whom has a Masters in Exercise Physiology is undergoing an intensive speed induction until Friday April 23 to provide a global overview of what he can expect to do. He will return in June and finish his Green Apple orientation with Bridie before she goes on maternity leave. Bronte is finishing her Masters at ACU and will commence May 11 to learn Reception etc first and will join the allied health team when her accreditation comes through.
More about Zach and Bronte soon. We welcome them into the Team, and also Toni who comes back from 2 intensive college weeks.