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The Weekly Bite – Monday August 23, 2021—Issue 2427

Hi All

I know so many of you will be confused about what we need to do regarding mask wearing and when we can take them off and where we need to wear them.

I also know that some members find mask wearing while exercising such a challenge so if you are in that category you will be wanting to be able to attend Green Apple without one. In conversation with members who wear glasses, the main problem seems to be that the fogging of the lenses (which is totally frustrating) actually creates a risk hazard and potentially a fall. If this describes what you are going through, check out the back page for hints and suggestions on how to reduce your glasses fogging up because mask wearing may be with us for some time.

Then there will be members who are very concerned about the spread of the virus down south and petrified about possibly being exposed to COVID and want to do everything they can to stick to the rules set by Qld Health ie wear a mask and make sure it covers both your nose and your mouth.

I can understand and commiserate with both views however I am also a great “rule-adherer” in the belief that these current COVID-safe requirements are set for a reason. On a personal level, after speaking with my brother whom is a specialist physician, and a General practitioner for more than 50 years, I agree with him that we need everyone vaccinated, not because we will never get COVID if we are vaccinated but because we are unlikely to be hospitalised with it or to have some very nasty symptoms that we may have to live with for the rest of our lives.

If you do worry about coming onsite then I do encourage you to transit onto our Green Apple Home Health exercise option. We are doing everything we can behind the scenes to develop the hybrid onsite/online exercise services to the highest possible level so it won’t matter where you are, we can still interact with you and help keep you exercising.

At the end of the day it will be the rituals we create and adhere to that will keep us healthy and coping emotionally and mentally. I have my exercise rituals and when I do them, I feel balanced and in control of my life despite the incredible uncertainties in so many other areas.

As my sister in Munich says as we walk together every Friday, Hilary at 6.30am possibly on snow and zero temperatures and I walking in 36-degree heat at 2.30pm, as we age. We seem better at having these rituals, a template of behaviours that we have developed a habit for and that help us cope better with life generally. The most important thing is to develop positive rituals, whether we are 20 or 90!

So we are here to help with getting this part of your life” right”.


Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre


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