Hi All
What a turnaround during the last few days, from a feeling of renewed security to having to be on constant alert all the time again. The Coronavirus cases in Queensland have created a great deal of concern and worry, to the extent that many people will feel that they are better off to stay at home.
I want to reassure you that we are doing everything possible to keep Green Apple protected against any possible virus infection. And we want you to help by reporting any non-compliance in regards to hand sanitising and using wipes on the surfaces touched so we can make sure the client concerned understands our Green Apple rules. I assure you I am taking this hard line because I want protection for all of us, staff and members.
Physical distancing is the other essential thing we must do. I know it is so hard when we are with people, we feel very comfortable with, and whom we regard as close friends in many cases. We just have to keep reminding each other.
If you do get to the stage where you feel so stressed by it all and just want to hibernate, then talk to us about going into our Health@Home program. Your membership continues and we just transfer you to having a Trainer look after you with phone and video contact at home. This worked so well for some members during our COVID closure that they have opted to stay on it rather than returning to their onsite Green Apple program. It is definitely a viable option.
If you have an outstanding birthday voucher or $30 Christmas voucher and want to redeem it with Toni, our newest team member, do it soon. The $30 vouchers redemption has been extended till the end of August due to our closure earlier in the year so don’t waste it.
Do you have a favourite healthy winter soup that you are prepared to share? We are looking for healthy winter recipes to put into our weekly newsletter and we know how many great “cooks/bakers” are here at Green Apple. Please submit to me anything you feel can be successfully shared at [email protected].
Hang in there!