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The Weekly Bite – Monday February 8, 2021—Issue 2401

Hello fellow Green Apples

Brian and I and the Green Apple Team want to share that “we will have a new addition to the Green Apple team (this is exactly how Bridie announced it!)…..Baby Rankin”. Yes, Bridie’s baby is due in July this year and she will be having time off for maternity leave for anything up to a year. Currently Bridie is helping source her replacement and if we are unable to do this through our university contacts, we will gazette the appointment. I would like to have our new staff member on board and thoroughly trained before Bridie leaves. I know we will miss her tremendously but we are so happy for her. 

The internet version of our newsletter came out this week so if you did not receive it by email, and you want it, please let us know. Our E-newsletter comes out monthly and it is completely different from our weekly hard copy newsletter. I have included a blog about knee surgery in the February edition. I wrote this some time ago and it remains current information for anyone facing knee (or hip) surgery. 

Congratulations if you are one of the members whom have earned your Christmas bonus of $30. One way to spend it would be to book in for a massage treatment with Toni. The extra training I have been doing with Toni for the past six months (every week) is preparing her for the clinical work I want her to be able to help with and it is certainly working. 

Last week, Toni was the student asked to provide a massage to the College Director. He was very pleased with her skill level and encouraged her to continue to build her skills through the training she was receiving in her workplace. Toni was very happy about this. 

Brian reminded me of the first time he met Toni. He walked out of the Honey House and Toni came skipping down the road from the main building with a big happy smile, and said to Brian (a stranger at this time!) “I’m so excited! I’ve got my first appointment in the Clinic today” and Brian said “and that’s me!”. So funny!

Brian has a massage treatment with Toni weekly and he wants me to tell you that he believes good massage is essential as our body ages, and he really recommends Toni because she just gets better every week. 

Sharon Bryce, our lovely Yoga teacher, will (very reluctantly) be leaving us at the end of this month. Sharon is a midwife who turned to Yoga and she has always wanted a position helping pregnant women, and women whom have gone through the birthing process. Now that she has been offered such a position, and it clashes with her Green Apple class, we will have to say farewell. Sadly!

Sharon is helping find a suitable replacement. She is very aware of how special our Green Apple environment is and how important it is to enrol a Yoga teacher who can provide a personalised, professional service. We already have applicants so I am very hopeful that we will be able to have continuity of care in our Yoga class by the end of this month. 

Keep up your great attendance levels. It has been impressive and a great start to the year. 


Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre


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