Hi everyone
Well, we survived 2020 and we have high hopes for 2021. We know that anything can happen, and we must have contingency plans in place, but it is no good worrying about something that might never happen. All we can do is keep ourselves in the best possible condition and stoke up our auto-immunity.
I would like to thank all of you, Green Apple members and the Green Apple team, for your great attitudes and determination to keep normal life on track as much as possible. Together we have really pulled together as a community within the greater community.
I know it is very early in the year for you to be considering what you will do in 2021 but I encourage you to check out any of the courses we are delivering in January and February. They may not be relevant to you if you already have your Green Apple activities sorted out but they might be ideal for someone you know in the community whom is now contemplating some structured physical activity or lifestyle modification post COVID 2020.
I love sitting down with people who are ready to take on a tailored wellness journey, to help them work out what they really need. And what they will actually be able to do! No setting people up for failure for me! This not only results in very poor outcomes but also makes people feel negative and sad. I like “positive and happy”! So, if you know someone ready to come for a chat, that is the first step. A talk with me. No pressure because I don’t like people telling me what I should be doing. I like someone to listen to my needs or concerns, provide possible pathways and let me make the decisions. Then I own it. And it works, so this is why I like to provide this service as a free consultation for people who are “thinking about it”.
Do you know anyone who is looking for a young man, 18 years old, just finished Grade 12, diligent and hardworking when given a task, and very keen to be in the workforce before he takes on any further study? Brian is keen to hear from you if you have contacts.
Do you have any concerns, interests, or questions about anything that I can help with? Send me an email, [email protected]. I don’t always see you these days (if I am working in the Clinic or have Initial Consultation appointments) and I really want to know about anything that you want to share.