Hi All
This is our first newsletter for 2021!
We all hope you had a fantastic Christmas and New Year and, if not, that you were able to find some way of looking after your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. We know it will have been a challenging time for many of you, and for multiple reasons.
I really hope you came in to visit us if you were in Brisbane during the Christmas/New Year week. We need you as much as you need us! If, however you had a break I hope you are thinking already about how to tackle your exercise in 2021, giving it the attention, it needs.
In next week’s newsletter we will have the whole back page dedicated to the updated WHO physical activity guidelines as documented in the MedScape Medical News. COVID has really given clarity to what is important in life in so many ways. Looking after ourselves and protecting our auto-immune system is considered our highest priority because everything hangs off this.
And good self-management doesn’t just happen does it? It requires understanding what, why, when, how and then planning and finally implementing the plan and sticking with it. Tough gig until we create the habits that allow us to settle down and Just Do It! Read more about this next week.
One stand-out area of research is in the amount of exercise required by a child or adolescent. Sixty minutes of “vigorous” activity! I wonder how many children and teens meet that recommendation. Our Teen Training class at 4pm on Tuesdays has been set up to provide parents and grandparents a safe and effective exercise pathway for their young family members. Find out more at Reception or phone 3261 1249.
We have set up our annual program of Courses and Classes for 2021 and you will find details on the Green Apple website. Click on “Classes” on the Top Bar, and then “Specialty Classes” to find out what will be available for you.
One particular workshop that I think essential information for all of us if we are over 50 is the Osteoporosis and Muscle Loss one with Sunny. Most of us know so little about our body and we REALLY need to understand what we can do to reduce the ageing effect on bones and muscles. The earlier we have this information, the sooner we can do something about it. Loss of bone and muscle creeps up on us. Don’t wait. Book in for this important topic as a great start to your 2021 year.
This workshop is also totally pertinent for every member who was impacted by COVID restrictions. It is not only our older members who suffered muscle loss, which resulted in functional capacity ramifications. Any person of any age whom has a chronic condition may have taken several backward steps in 2020 because their strength training had to be modified. It is critical that we recognise what is going on in our body so we can self-manage with the help of our trainers.