Hi All
It is wonderful to see how many of you are feeling safe and ready to return to us and, as Charlie on staff writes in his daily reports to me “so happy to be back”.
We have Group classes delivered by an instructor being offered again as well as the video classes “on request”. You will see from the gazetted schedule that we are starting off with a smaller number of classes and we will see how everything goes.
Check out Wednesday night. We plan to choose an Aerobic class for the 5.30pm time slot and a Step class at 6.00pm from our library of video classes filmed during the COVID closure This library of classes is available to you to do in the Group class area at times we are not using the room for instructor-led classes. You just need to tell us at Reception and we can set it up for you.
If class numbers exceed 12 in the Earlybird classes, especially on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, Loretta and Charlotte may offer to repeat the class at 6.30am for the people whom are prepared to wait till then. It will be very much a matter of sharing and being flexible until we see how many people come in to do the instructor-led classes. At present it is an unknown.
On Saturday July 18 when we re-start Yoga, you will have a brand-new teacher and someone I feel is totally aligned with our Wellness philosophy. Sharon Bryce used to work as a nurse, a trained midwife who decided that Yoga was a calling she couldn’t resist. I hope you will welcome Sharon into the big Green Apple family. Yoga is a fee-paid service and the fee for non-members is $18, members $6.50. The Yoga Class starts at 8.30am and if you have your own mat bring it along. If you use one of the Green Apple mats, we ask you to wipe it down at the end of class.
I know we have a number of members entitled to use their outstanding birthday card massage vouchers, and also many members whom still have their $30 bonus left over from last Christmas. You will be happy to hear that we have a new Team member, Toni de Jong, who will be supporting the Clinic team (Petrina and me).
Toni will commence taking appointments for massage from the week starting Monday July 27. Toni will be doing general massage/relaxation massage only until she has upgraded her level to Remedial Massage Therapist and can access Private Health rebates. Toni is currently at college doing this on Wednesday and Thursday.
During this time Toni’s fees will allow you to access her services at the rate:
Members one hour: $75
Non-members one hour: $85
So if you have a birthday voucher, and you are a member, you can see Toni for $55 for the hour. If you have an outstanding Christmas Bonus of $30, you can use this to see Toni for $45 for that hour.
A great testimonial on Toni’s massage came from Brian, whom I used as my “guinea pig” when assessing Toni’s skills. Brian feels she will be a great addition to the Clinic team. I explained to him that the massage was a relaxation massage, a general massage, and Brian said “It certainly was very good and I was very relaxed.”
You may meet Toni in Reception because she will start work on Monday July 20 for a week’s training in Clinic matters and basic Reception duties.