Hi All
Most of you will have met new team member, Bronte, in the past couple of months. Bronte has been working on Reception and learning all about Green Apple from her contact with you.
Bronte has now graduated as an Exercise Physiologist, with a post graduate Masters and her accreditation with the professional entity ESSA, and just waiting for her a Medicare provider number to be set up on the Green Apple EftPos.
The happy photo we have here in the newsletter showcases our Exercise Physiology team, Sunny, Charlotte, Zach and Bronte and they are forging together as a team to provide both the onsite exercise prescription service as well as our growing online exercise service, both for Group exercise (Arthritis Moves, BEAT IT, Exercise Right for Active Ageing are all being delivered online in the latter part of the year) and our individual HomeHealth programming.
Bridie, our Green Apple exercise physiologist, currently on Maternity leave, tells me that she, husband Peter, and new baby Hamish are all settling down well together at home. Bridie would like to thank all of you who brought in gifts for Hamish, which were delivered by Nessa. Bridie felt immensely touched by this gesture from so many of you and hopes you are all progressing with your exercise. We do miss Bridie and know we will welcome her back, possibly after 12 months of Hamish’s first year of life.
For those of you whom have always been looked after by Petrina up until the end of 2020, she tells me she has been going well in her full time CyberSecurity studies in 2021. Big area of study but she is enjoying it. And I know you will also be hoping she goes well because it is very much needed in this post-COVID world.
Bit of a shock to have to wear our masks for another week however if we can keep ourselves protected from Lock-Down I will happily wear my mask. Thank goodness it is the middle of Winter so we are not trying to exert ourselves while wearing a mask in sweltering humidity and heat!!
If you are using the Green Apple recipes, would you give me some feedback? I am keen to know which ones you think are really tasty and easy to make. We are always looking for healthy recipes to share with our Green Apple member base in our weekly newsletter so do you have a favourite that we can publish?