Open: Mon - Fri 5:30am to 7pm | Sat 7am to 12pm | Sun 3:30pm to 6pm | News and Events

The Weekly Bite – Monday March 29, 2021—Issue 2408

Hi All

The Green Apple E-newsletter was sent out to you all this week so if you didn’t receive it do let us know. The email version differs from the hard copy newsletter published every week for all of you whom attend Green Apple. 

The E-newsletter has a different focus because it goes out to a wider audience, to Europe and the USA as well as all our member base. This week the editorial shared information about osteoporosis and how to interpret the test results you get when you have a bone-density test. 

Anything I put in the editorial is always original content and not just regurgitating information that other people have written. This year I plan to write regular Blogs about things that I really want to share, for example what it is like to have bilateral total knee replacements and what you need to know before you go into hospital and how to cope afterwards. There are so many things that can make it easier to cope with if you understand what’s what. And no-one really gives you the full story. So often we have to learn the hard way. 

I am looking for expressions of interest for another Yoga class. If we deliver another class weekly, on Sunday afternoon at 4pm would anyone be interested?  Natalie, who is our “cover” Yoga teacher if Lezley is unable to come on Saturday, is available to deliver a class on Sunday and I feel she would be very well received by you. Sunday is a really lovely day to attend Green Apple. It is the most peaceful day for those of you who like to attend when it is a bit quieter, because we have no other activities bustling around on that day. 

We will put a notice up in Reception to ask for your interest. The fee to attend will be the same as per the Saturday class, i.e. $6.50 for members and $18 for non-members. 

Keep up the great attendance,

Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre


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