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The Weekly Bite – Monday November 8, 2021 —Issue 2438

Hello Green Apples,

Victoria and Brian are away again this week for a well deserved break, so here I am writing this weeks editorial for you.

If you don’t know me, you now will—I’m Nessa. I have been a part of the Green Apple Team for almost 12 years. Make sure you say hello, I’m always happy to help you if I can.

Do you know all our staff members—we have a board at Reception that shows you who are staff are ( I will be updating this soon with New photos—not replacing the staff!) Make sure you say hello to our staff, we are very friendly and won’t bite. Sometimes we get very busy and forget to say hello to you, so please say hello.

I have been heavily involved in the making of our upcoming upgraded website Green Apple with doing photo/video shoots and I am amazed by the members stories and how they came about joining the Green Apple. How we have effected their lives, their health achievements and, the improvements that have been life changing. The effect of hard work, motivation, and determination to improve their fitness, strength and, balance has really paid off. If you wish to share your story with me please do—we love testimonies and members stories (especially if you allow me to share them, please!).

If you are after a Home program or a holiday program or unable to attend Green Apple for a period of time we can arrange you to join the Green Apple Home Health program. This program was started due to lockdown/Covid. It contains a program designed for you either via online delivery (you can see each other) or by phone, which ever you preferred, for the following 2 weeks you will have a follow up call each week to check how you are going. It is a 3 week cycle. Your program will be adjusted/reviewed again in the fourth week and following 2 weeks phone call each week – so on. 

Make sure when you go to visit your Doctor to tell them about your journey at Green Apple Wellness Centre, I have been involved with visiting various Doctors surgeries, updated them with all our up coming courses and events, but you guys are walking, talking evidence of what Green Apple Wellness Centre is.

If your doctor ever wants more information I am more than happy to help them (and if I can’t, I ensure someone will).

A lot of people find that we are a secret gem but we have been here for over 40 years and we are always looking for ways to get people to know us. Did you know if you are a full member paying each fortnight (or yearly), you can invite a friend to attend the Green Apple Wellness Centre with you for a full week for free. Yes, bring a friend (husband, wife, partner, family member) and show them what you do, and get them involved with what you do. If you attend a class, let them come too. All they have to do is fill out a screening questionnaire and wavier form and they are your gym buddy for a week for FREE.

Enjoy your week

Thanks Nessa





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  • No structured exerciseStructured exercise 1-2 times per weekStructured exercise 3-5 times per weekStructured exercise 6-7 times per week