Open: Mon - Fri 5:30am to 7pm | Sat 7am to 12pm | Sun 3:30pm to 6pm | News and Events

The Weekly Bite – November 1, 2019—Issue 2351

Hi All,

Thanks to those of you whom took the time to attend my talk on Sunday, when I shared a lot of bits and pieces about osteoporosis (diminished bone mass) and Sarcopenia (diminished muscle mass). This topic is a “must” to know about because it eventually affects all of us if we live long enough. I look forward to seeing Sunny’s upcoming workshop (consists of three x one hour sessions over 3 weeks) full of members wanting to stay well informed about their body.

Do you come to the Green Apple using the bridge across the highway near Bunnings? It looks like they are ready to start replacing this inadequate carriageway with a bridge more suitable for the heavy traffic experienced in that area now. There are alternative routes to access Green Apple so start planning which one will suit you best.

It has been great to see the Clinical Pilates on both Thursday and Saturday going so well. Wanda has been delivering a “Return to Pilates Basics” for the past 2 weeks to ensure all participants are on the same page in relation to the delivery of this class. Any new Pilates participants whom have attended this class may now continue without the initial Pilates PT session that is mandatory for anyone joining either of the Clinical Pilates classes now.
See more information about Pilates on the back page of this newsletter and if you wish to attend this group class now, it will be “free” but you MUST have had the one-on-one      personal training session with Wanda, Bridie or Charlotte (check the PT fee at Reception and find out if you can use your private health rebate to help fund it).

With the advent of NBN, we have had a huge change in our phone system. This has required that our main gazetted number of 3261 1249 has 11 phantom numbers behind it. The only time you may be affected by this is, if we phone you to change an appointment or for some other matter, the number showing on your device will be the phantom  number so if you phone back using that number the call will come into just that one phone (could be in the Clinic or Honey House or somewhere in the main building).  When we leave you a message we will ask you to return our call to the main number, 3261 1249, because this rings on every phone throughout Green Apple and we won’t miss out on your call. Complicated but there is no apparent way to counteract this particular technology.

Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre



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