Hi all
It is great to see so many of you interested in finding out what your body composition comprises of, that is how much muscle /vital tissue/ calorie burning tissue is on your body in comparison with body fat. It has been so popular that we added an additional session. The new date is Thursday Nov 21—See Notice Board for details
Are you coming to the Christmas party on Saturday November 23. Brian and I look forward to seeing you there. This get together annually gives Green Apple members a chance to make friends with other people whom have a similar interest in living a healthy life. Just being a Green Apple opens the door to a positive fellow brotherhood, so even if you don’t know anyone, you soon will! I know the Yoga contingent will be out in force. Joyce will be coming back for the party and she is looking forward to it so much.
Did you know that we used to have a Green Apple Walking Group? Many many years ago we would gather at the Centre and wind our way down over the railway line, up the bike track into Bracken Ridge through little parks. Sometimes we made it into the TAFE grounds and right up to the water reservoir on top of the hill. Sometimes I would find a nice big hill to walk up and down several times, varying the stride length to challenge the legs differently. Thirty years ago I used to carry a big radio on my back that boomed out to give the walkers motivation to keep moving. Amazing to look back on that era now. Sometimes I think we should revive our walking activity for people who would like to move along and chat, a variation in their exercise routine. It is good to see some of our EarlyBird members out and about doing a walk as part of their physical activity regime.
This time of year can be challenging if you like celebrating Christmas festivities throughout November and December. Overindulgence now combined with a slow-down on physical activity can mean many months of frugality in the New Year so hang in there with your exercise….right up to Christmas! It’s worth it.