Hi All
Excellent attendance at Yogalates this week! Cherie was so pleased to have 11 participants in her class on Wednesday night. Member Thomas stopped at Reception to tell me he feels it gives him the best of both worlds of Yoga and Pilates with a good level of activity and stretching.
Aqua on Thursday mornings at 10am is already an existing class. Apologies for the note in last week’s newsletter that said it didn’t commence till October 24! The weather is fluctuating at the moment however the water is lovely once you are in and moving around. Wanda is loving taking these classes so think about taking the plunge. Check out the Summer Group Class schedule.
A member sent me an email this week to enquire about our dietitian and what fees are charged in house for this service. I responded,
The fee to see Loretta Howard is $55 for most sessions, and if you have private health cover you will be able to access the refund through our HiCaps machine, which makes it easy and affordable. The first appointment needs to be an extended session because Loretta likes to really understand your whole situation and what you are wanting to change/improve etc. This first appointment is charged at $100 (less any private health refund) and it is truly worth it.
Loretta Howard is a great allied health provider because she has excellent listening skills and has a flexible approach towards her clients. Rather than having rigid ideas about what diet people should be adhering to for “good health outcomes” I know she really tailors your diet to your needs and wants. Loretta Howard comes to Green Apple on Tuesday afternoons and evenings. If you would like an appointment with her, let us know and we will ask her to contact you.
Welcome back Joyce Gasking, who will be here Saturday Oct 12, 19 & 26 to deliver her Anxiety & Depression and Secret Women’s Business workshops. Any late participants are welcome, please see Reception staff to enrol.