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The Weekly Bite – September 14 2018 – Issue 2294

Hi All

Apologies to the earlybird  class on last Tuesday morning. I had every intention of going up to have a chat about the Summer Group Class schedule and I got completely side tracked! I think it had something to do with the strong pain medication that I had to trial to get a decent night’s sleep and I felt like a zombie so I won’t be taking that again unless I’m desperate! I will write myself a huge note for next Tuesday. The intention is there and I will make it happen. 

Big thanks for all your good wishes for a speedy return from my fractured and damaged bits and pieces. I really do appreciate your caring concern and I am not always as gracious as I should be. I am not good at being in need of help to do things and I always want to go to great lengths to be as independent as possible. There are good things and bad things in this and I just need to find the right balance (“ho ho ho” says Brian!!)

Brian suggested I should charge half price for massage appointments and just use one arm? That was before we discovered how extensive the shoulder damage was in that one “good” arm. I think it was a bit tongue in cheek but gave us a good chuckle at the time. Now that I am down for the count re massage for a while I have had to                re-organise all my regular appointments and this has been a mammoth task so if you have not been contacted please let us know at reception. Letters went out to many of you last Wednesday night and we have either seen or spoken to others. I don’t want any of my people going backwards in relation to soft tissue health so I strongly encourage you to keep the appointments I have re-scheduled with my wonderful back-up remedial massage team, Petrina and Margy. They are doing everything they can to help me. 

Have you skipping or rod work in your program? If so you might have been hunting for the ropes and the rods. You might know that I have been concerned about these exercises being done where other members may walk into the swinging rope or be jabbed in the eye with a rod. Brian and Steve have now developed the new designated area for rod work and skipping to a stage where we can use it. The plan is to put some shade cover over the area but I just want to get on and separate these activities to somewhere safer. So where is it you ask.  Just go to Reception and ask for help regarding where to go and how to use the space. You will see that there are specific delegated areas marked off for the skipping and the rod work and it is important to position yourself in the middle of these spaces. There is a seated rod site, 2 standing rod sites and one skipping site. Let me know how you find the new arrangement. 


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