Open: Mon - Fri 5:30am to 7pm | Sat 7am to 12pm | Sun 3:30pm to 6pm | News and Events

The Weekly Bite – Tuesday 3rd May, 2022 —Issue 2462

Hi All

There have been some massive changes in management of COVID-spread over the past month. First it was the relaxation of mask wearing, then a reduction on restrictions for people whom haven’t been vaccinated and now a much-relaxed policy towards close contacts and protocol to follow.

Green Apple now needs to be compliant in law and “human rights” legislation and has relaxed entry requirements. Having said this I want to stress the need for continued vigilance with cleaning the equipment you use, and disinfecting hands and even complying still with sensible physical distancing.

I also recommend that if you are concerned about your health fragility to continue to attend to do your exercise but wear a mask while you are here. I don’t want you to be disadvantaged in any way because if you can’t do your exercise, your health and wellness both physically and mentally will definitely be affected.

From Thursday April 28 we have been able to go out, rather than isolating, if we are classified as being a close contact of a COVID patient. Qualifying criteria, we can go out if we have no symptoms ourselves. If, however we have any symptoms we need to stay at home regardless of our COVID status.  Also, if we are a close contact, we need to wear a mask for 7 days whenever we go out of our house, and that includes both indoors and outdoors. We must have a RAT (RAPID COVID ANTIGEN TEST) every second day during those seven days to make sure we are NOT affected by COVID ourselves.

So it is pretty simple really and if you have had your vaccinations and booster, you will probably be safer within Green Apple than anywhere else in the community, and it is all our combined efforts that is creating this special environment.

Victoria's signature 2017 - Green Apple Wellness Centre


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