Hi All,
Brian and I hope all our Green Apple Team and all of you had a happy, stress-free Easter. We managed to get quite a few jobs completed during our four day shut down. It is amazing how long some things take and they can’t be done when the Centre is open. We know some of you are very sensitive to paint smells so we usually use public holidays to do some of this – and as you probably know, it can take ages, especially all the trimmy bits and “cutting in”.
We have just about finished with our Reception and “Greeting Room”. Brian was heaving sighs of relief until I unveiled my plans for the old children’s room and the outdoor area which was part of that area. His eyes rolled up in his head and he headed for his whiskey!
We transit into our Winter Program as of this Monday, April 24, so make sure you collect your new schedule from Reception. Steph is working on the website schedules to have them current. If you are relying on this for information, I have to tell you that we have had some weird things going on with our new website. Steph is communicating with our website designer and his team about glitches we have discovered. Thank you to member Eileen Jennings and returning member, Margaret Edwards, for providing hard copy evidence of the incorrect Summer Schedule on our website. This helped immensely.
Brian and I were in Amart purchasing the cushions, tables, and chairs I wanted for our new reception when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Member Suzanne Schultz was there shopping around with her husband. Suzanne wanted to tell me how pleased she had been with the session she had to get her new program. I was so happy to hear this that I asked her if she would write these happy thoughts down for me to share:
Dear Victoria,
I would like you to know how pleased I was with Charlotte’s gym assessment she gave to me. I felt very comfortable. I usually have Libby, but with her being away, I had to choose somebody else in her place, so I picked Charlotte because when I arrive at the gym she is so cheerful and happy on the front counter. I did not know her ability and gave her a chance. She gave me different routines and settled on the equipment for my fitness.
Thank you, Victoria, for hiring Charlotte with the great fitness trainers you have also.
Looking from the outside in at the Green Apples methods of programming, one (me) doesn’t realise the ability of your staff.
Thank you, Victoria
Suzanne Schultz
I really appreciate this Suzanne – thank you so much. All my Team want to make meaningful differences in our members’ lives so it is so good when any member takes the time and trouble to share their experiences with me, so I can share them with you.
Next Tuesday is ANZAC Day and Brian and I will open from 12 noon till 4pm so make an effort to get in and see us.
Monday will be a public holiday the following week, May 1. We will be open 6am-10am with a Step class at 6.30am. Come if you can!
Yoga 6.30 pm – 7.45 pm Wednesday 26th April
As well as our Saturday morning yoga class we are excited to have a second class starting Wednesday. The Wednesday class will have different posture practices from Saturday to keep it interesting for those who would like to practice their yoga twice a week. Yoga is a mind/body art like Tai Chi and one of its main benefits is stress relief. At the same time it increases flexibility and strength in a gentle yet challenging way. New to Yoga? It’s easy to join a class at any time. Modifications are always offered to accommodate individual needs and students practise at their own pace. So many of us are challenged by the negative effects of stress in our lives and yoga is a great antidote.
I look forward to meeting regular and new Green Apple yogis next Wednesday.
NOTE: Members pay $6.50 for this class, Non-Members $18
If you’ve been a member of the gym for a while, you may remember beloved Fitness professional, Cherryle Enchelmaier. Cherryle sent us an email:
Dear Victoria and Brian
Well, it has been some time since I caught up with you both but I think of you both often, first of all, I would like to say Happy Easter to you both and your families yes another chance to all get-together or have a break hopefully you both will be able to do this. I would imagine by now your back in action full speed Victoria from your procedure and that you still have days that it reminds you as to what you have had done it was a huge thing to have both knees done together one that many people would not be able to do.
Next on my thoughts is how professional and how much work you have done to put together an amazing web page I love it. Kate’s eldest Zac, often looks up the Green Apple online and comments to me about it, I asked him why do you look up the Green Apple and his reply was,” Well Grandma the Green Apple was a large part of your life so I just look it up to see what’s happening there now you are not there” how amazing is that! Now for the absolutely fantastic professional reception area – it looks so good, it would have taken a lot of time to put these plans into action so Victoria it was well worth it and Brian you would have been there all the way WELL DONE!!
I have read that Dany has left! The members will miss him, but with life there comes changes that’s what it is all about – nothing stands still.
I am off to Filex this year and sharing with Loretta and Libby, looking forward to spending time with them and also seeing what’s new or what is working in the industry are you and Brian coming down. I would like to say Victoria that you have an amazing place down there I have always known it but coming up here which I love you really see the difference in what some business do, no sharing of really what’s on the forthcoming you just go to work or class and that’s it, the one thing I miss more than anything is your drive on moving forward everyone up here is it’s a job I miss your passion.
Must catch up with you one day, in the meantime take care, laugh lots and have a few drinks he he.