Hi All
Brian and I were really happy to open last Wednesday on EKKA day because so many of you made the effort to come in and do your bit! My Give It A Go class had 8 participants and I was so impressed with their dedication to really do their utmost to listen and learn. By the end of the class they were stepping out to the beat of the music and following basic choreography like professionals. I hope the experience will help your journey into one of the gazetted classes now.
If you plan to try an Aerobic class, and you can come in through the day, start with Aerobic Gold. Any class that is qualified “Gold” is a basic, slower class often offered as a skill learning class. If you go along to a Gold class, always let your leader know. If there are no learners in the class, the leader may do more choreography because the existing class can cope with it. Gold classes however ARE ultimately opportunities to pick up the basics and learn rather than just delivered as an ordinary class.
The next level of Aerobic competency is the Easybeat class and then you can progress to the gazetted Aerobic class which is taken to faster music but still offers a non-impact, non-jumping level, an intermediate level and advanced level. By the time you get to this class you will understand Aerobic terminology and you will hear the beats of the music well. It is all a matter of sensible progression so I hope for a good turn up next time I take a Give It A Go class to set you on your way. Classes DO give you a totally new dimension to your exercise and complements your personalised gym program.
Did you know we have more than 10 members whom have been at the Green Apple for more than 20 years? These are our Platinum members and as a reward for their loyalty and tenacity we gift them with the following benefits: free participation in any courses including HEAL and any Workshops delivered through the year plus enrolment in a Maltron body composition test during group sessions.
As well as Platinum Members we have more than 50 members whom have been at the Green Apple for 10 to 20 years and they are entitled to: free Yoga and any Workshop gazetted through the year.
We have some educational sessions planned and Steph is working on our 2018 schedule already so ask for your hard copy sheet of current Courses and Workshops at Reception to find out more.
Bridie’s old research group at QUT are researching how to prevent falls in older people and people with Parkinson’s disease. They are in need of both people with and without Parkinson’s disease (aged 55-85 years) who have not had surgical treatment or recent musculoskeletal injury, who wear covered shoes for most of the day and who are able to walk without assistance. Please see the notice board in reception if you are interested.
Darrol’s DVA Heart Health group is having their “break-up” party on Monday, August 28. We are looking for participants for the next 12 month DVA group, so if you know anyone eligible in the community, please suggest this to them. They must be male, served overseas and not done the course before.