Hi All,
Member Alison Welch brought this article to my attention:
Carbs during workouts help immune system recovery
Eating carbohydrate during – or immediately after – intense exercise helps to minimise exercise-induced immune disturbances and can aid the body’s recovery, QUT research has found. Dr Oliver Neubauer and Dr Jonathon Peake, from QUT’s Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, led a research review of studies about exercise and immunity. They found the best way to avoid unfavourable changes in the immune system during a post-workout recovery was consuming carbs during or immediately after the exercise.
The paper was published in the Journal of Applied Physiology.
Do you know what foods contain carbohydrates? The Healthy Eating and Active Lifestyle (HEAL) course will provide precise information on this subject.
Even if you aren’t attending the HEAL course, you can attend the open sessions on Metabolism on Monday August 7 at 6pm and Carbohydrates on Monday September 4 at 6pm. The cost to attend these sessions is $15 per session per person.
Praise for the Wellbeing Day
I was talked into attending but did not intend to stay for the whole 3 hours. Victoria introduced Lisa, the new psychologist and she was a very interesting speaker. With breaks from sitting we were introduced to some simple yoga moves, relaxation techniques, mindfulness about exercise and food and relationships with behavioural changes.
For me, the relaxation techniques were a helpful reminder as many, many years ago I enrolled in a course of 6 weeks at TAFE, probably in the early days of this concept. So a reminder of what I learnt was a big help.
Time went very quickly and the opportunity for a shoulder and neck massage from Victoria was an added bonus.
Thank you to Victoria for arranging these opportunities and thanks also to Petrina and other helpers for a very interesting time.
– Lyn Cornish, member since 2008
Hi Petrina,
I would like to thank you for organising the Wellbeing Day. The attendance was great and I’m sure everyone gained insight on how our mind controls so many of our actions. I tend to forget to be in the moment and therefore always rushing through life whereas there is so much enjoyment in savouring everything in life and being mindful of each action and thought.
Lisa Johnson (psychologist) was very impressive. She is very down to earth and real and I would encourage everyone to attend one of her sessions
– Sherenne Whitmell, member since 2006
A message from psychologist, Lisa Johnson
Thank-you to all the Staff at the Green Apple Wellness Centre and especially Petrina and Victoria, who assisted in making the Wellbeing Day such a success. The event was well attended (fully booked out) and over $500 was raised for The Black Dog Institute.
Key aspects that people enjoyed from the day was how mindfulness (psychology) can assist them with their eating habits, exercise, relaxation and mental health. The attendees also commented that they enjoyed learning more about motivation and hearing about other peoples’ health journeys. It was a privilege to learn from each other and to be able to share the 18 years of experience I’ve had within the wellbeing and preventive health industry.
I look forward to running future health workshops and events, like my upcoming Mindfulness and Selfcare workshop. In addition, I am excited about offering psychological and counselling support to members through individual consultations and group wellbeing sessions.
Contact me on ph 0422 370 890 or www.engagementpsychology.com.au to learn more.
Cheers, Lisa Johnson (Engagement Psychology).