Hi All,
Brian and I attended the local ANZAC service, outside the Bald Hills “Lest we forget” Hall.
I think it was the largest gathering I have ever seen there and as usual, it was very moving. If all the children who attended keep participating year after year, I can see the ANZAC Day tradition of gathering together as a community will only continue to grow. I particularly liked being able to sing the national anthem for both New Zealand and Australia because I have feet planted firmly on both sides of the Tasman Sea. I hope you were somewhere that gave you the opportunity to be a part of this special day.
Just a reminder that on Labour Day, May 1, our opening hours will be 6am till 10am and the only class that morning will be Step at 6.30am. Brian and I like to open on Public Holidays because it not only gives our wonderful Team a little “me-time” but also enables us to catch up with you. So make the effort—come in and make us think that it has been worth opening the doors on a public holiday.
Did you know that if you are a Wellness Associate Member (i.e. you come to the Wellness Group classes only using your clip card) that you can attend on Public Holidays even if there are no classes gazetted. All you need to do is see us at Reception and ask us to clip your Attendance Card. Then you can collect your workout card and go into the gym to do your usual exercises, solo for the day. If you prefer company, ask someone else in your Wellness Group to come along with you. Public Holidays disrupt normal routines and there is no need for you to miss out.
I have made an effort to contact anyone who may be affected by our changing closing hours. If you know someone who comes to the Green Apple late in the evening, ask them if they have heard the news that from Tuesday, May 2 we will be closing at 8 pm instead of 8.30 pm, Monday to Thursday nights.
I hear the Green Apple Social Committee cruise went extremely well. The weather was kind, the scones and cream were delicious, the luncheon was very well received and the company was fantastic. Several members have told me they had such a good time that they have put their names down for the next two Social Committee events, the Biggest Morning Tea, raising money for the Cancer Council on Monday, May 22, and the Fundraising Theatre Night to be held at Act 1 Theatre on Gympie Rd in Strathpine, June 30.
The Green Apple Social Committee has multiple exciting activities for you to join in with so check out the Social Committee noticeboard out in the courtyard at the back of the gym for full details. And never be fearful of coming alone to these outings. We are all Green Apples and that creates an immediate bond. Believe me, it is so true!
If you receive the local paper, Bayside Star, look for the Green Apple editorial about our Prostate Problems Wellness Workshop. Brian has been kind enough to let me tell a little bit about his journey with prostate cancer and I am hoping that this will generate interest in attending the workshop which commences on Saturday, May 13. This informative workshop is made up of three sessions of one hour and the total price to attend is $33. I really recommend this as essential knowledge for all men, and very valuable for couples who may need that information in the future.
There are no Aqua classes in the Winter Group Class Schedule which commenced April 24. However, the water may still be warm enough for you for a little while longer. If you wish to do water exercises and the pool cover is on (to retain solar heat) you can ask at Reception for the cover to be taken off. Please do not try to remove the pool cover yourself.