Hi All
Oh no! I can see that we have multiple entries on the internet about my 70th birthday party, some saying the party starts at 4pm, one site saying the party is between 4pm and 7pm and then the one that gives you the correct time, 12 noon till 4pm.
Even if you can only come for an hour or so you will be so welcome, and if you have significant others that you would like to bring along with you, they too will be very welcome. My whole desire in having this party is to celebrate making it to 70 years and wanting to share this with people whom have been part of my life in either a small or a large role. Whether you have been there as a client or a friend is not important at this party. Everyone I have met over those 70 years has been an influence in some way or another and has determined my life direction, my business direction and in many, many ways has influenced me as a person. So please know that my invitation to YOU is a personal one, regardless of how long or how well you know me. And to all members and staff, just being part of the Green Apple makes you my family.
One of our members, Eddie, came to talk to me about the party when I was working out in the gym on Thursday. He mentioned that his daughter would be visiting him at the time and mentioned that previously she was a schoolteacher whom worked at Bald Hills State School many years ago and that she had brought a group of school children on a school excursion to see the Green Apple. I said how wonderful, bring her to the party! She will be able to see the differences made to the Centre over all those years! So I will be asking for people to help me by taking anyone who wants to check out their old stomping ground for a Green Apple walk-around. If you are prepared to take on a host/hostess role at the party please let me know. I would really appreciate help because I don’t want anyone arriving at the party and standing around on their own. And I can’t be everywhere unfortunately. If there are members who are prepared to help by just going up to anyone arriving to talk with them, I will be really chuffed.
Don’t overdress at the party if you want to join in the Sumo wrestling. We will have this activity all afternoon because I have been assured that not only children, but also adults, enjoy the craziness of it.
Remember that Monday October 2 is a public holiday. We open from 6am till 10am with Step class at 6.30am.
Wonderful news about Jacinta Jones, whom you may have noticed training diligently in the Green Apple over the past couple of years (Jacinta is tall with shoulder length red hair).
“Update from the Taikwon Do World Championships. We made it in and most importantly back out of North Korea without any issues. We had the most amazing time and were treated like royalty the entire time we were there. We were taken on tours around the capital Pyongyang where we stayed an amazing city. Jacinta performed really well at the Championships finishing in fourth place behind North Korea (first), Czech Republic (second) and Russia (third). I am so proud of what she has achieved. Thank you so much to you and Victoria for what you have both done for her. I’ll send some pictures of her in action also. We are on the second half of our trip now currently in Greece soon to go to Italy to have a look around. Looking forward to catching up when we get back” – Randall Jones (Jacinta’s Dad)
Jacinta did weekly personal training with exercise physiologist, Dany, for well over a year and more recently with exercise physiologist, Bridie. Everyone concerned deserves a huge pat on the back, most of all to Jacinta who has been a fantastic role model to everyone really by not only sticking to her exercise but just doing it so well.”
We all heard about the young boy, 15years old, who was critically damaged in a gym training session at the PCYC at Bray Park. Our hearts go out to all concerned. When you have people in your life of ages so close to this boy, it makes you feel quite sick. In next week’s newsletter, I want to share with you why I set up the Green Apple the way I did, i.e. very top heavy in payroll expenses, with a high ratio of staff to client and lots of built-in client-care and contact. This is not “normal” in the industry and it has taken a huge effort to make it sustainable financially. But I did it and continue to hold onto this model of duty-of-care at the highest level that we can manage. More next week.
See you at the party!!