Hi All
I want to congratulate my staff involved with the latest Wellness Day for their teamwork, dedication and passion needed to make the event so successful. Driven mainly by Petrina, hugely aided by Nessa, supported and contributed to on many levels by Steph, with inspirational work done by Joyce (and shared by member Gina Capra) and help from one of Petrina’s sons, Rafael, volunteer Cheryl Ivory and other staff members who were there on the day, it has created a precedence. This team are now on a high and planning ahead for their two Wellness Days in 2018. If you missed out on this event, be prepared to make the time to come to the next one.
Member Margaret Sugden provided this feedback at the end of the Wellness Day (and I am very appreciative of members who make the time and effort to be so pro-active! so a big thank you for this Margaret), writes:
Great variety of subjects!
- Loved them all, as there was new information in each of them.
- I’m really interested in how the brain affects us especially in reference to pain.
- Fantastic massage!
- Joyce’s brain colouring was excellent. Also, her remarks referring to the importance of exercise. More of this would be good.
- I like that if I see something of interest in the media, I can bring questions or suggestions to you.
- I felt it was a very successful event and I enjoyed it very much. I feel encouraged and motivated to continue my exercise.
We also had our Dickson Senior’s Morning Tea last week and we had at least 20 guests, or members bringing guests, along to the Green Apple on Tuesday September 12. Darrol and Katrina did a wonderful job taking the guests through a mini work out on the Forever Active equipment and Shirley McGregor provided us all with her usual high standard “bite to eat” in the way of a very colourful and aesthetically appealing and healthy morning tea. Thank you to everyone involved.
If you have friends and family who just want to look around or find out more about what we do, I hope that you know you can organise a 2 week guest pass to bring them when you come to do your exercise. The Green Apple is unique. It is not a gym or a fitness centre. It is a Wellness Centre. It is poles apart from what the average person thinks of a “gym”. I hope you as a member are here because we are a Wellness Centre rather than a conventional gym and that you are proud to bring your friends and family here.
Aqua-aerobics commences September 29. Yippee” many of you will be saying!!
The Summer schedule of all Group Classes and the Supervised Strength classes will be available at Reception by Friday September 22.
If you attended the Wellness Day, you will have been gifted a free pass to Joyce’s Wednesday night Yoga class. This is held at 6.30pm and Joyce tells me she will be introducing the Chair Yoga that she and Gina demonstrated last Thursday. Many of you mentioned to me that this interested you because of your difficulty getting down on the floor and up again. I hope you will come and try Chair Yoga. It will provide benefits that differ from your other forms of physical activity. Just mastering good breathing is a huge benefit in itself.
If you are interested in attending Joyce’s Anxiety and Depression Wellness Workshop, we are taking expressions of interest to hold another one before the end of the year. Pop your name down on the expression of interest form on the Reception noticeboard and if there are enough people, we will notify you of a date.
Joyce is also taking the next Secret Women’s Business Wellness Workshop starting on September 23. This Wellness Workshop focusses on the importance of the unappreciated pelvic floor region. Remember that the pelvic floor muscles are essentially the bottom of your torso and hold everything in. You wouldn’t be able to get very far without them!