Open: Mon - Fri 5:30am to 7pm | Sat 7am to 12pm | Sun 3:30pm to 6pm | News and Events

The Weekly Bite – September 25 2017 – Issue 2244

Hi All,

The Queen’s Birthday Public holiday is on  Monday, October 2. We will open 6am till 10am with Brian’s Step class at 6.30am. There will be no Aqua class that day but the pool will be open and available, so please come down and use it!

 The hotter weather is here so please make sure you use towels fully over the part of the equipment you have contact with, and also use the wet wipes provided in the Forever Active and the cardiovascular areas to wipe down the handles and pins or buttons you have contact with.

The new Group Class schedule is now available for you to plan your weeks over summer. The classes start on Friday, September 29. Included in the new schedule is Aqua, which commences Friday September 29 at 6am with Tiffany. If you plan to go for coffee after this class, bring a caftan or something similar that is easy to throw on. Saturday Aqua will be held at 7.15am which enables people to still do Forever Active ™ or Yoga that day. If the water is cooler at that time it will burn more calories!
 The Supervised Strength Class Summer Schedule has some small changes that mainly affect the Forever Active™ supervised strength classes.  

There is still an interest in a class upstairs on Friday mornings in lieu of  Zumba and Pam Keir asked if they can still meet upstairs to do their own thing if enough members want to do this and I think this is a great idea. After taking the class on Friday September 22, I know the participants would be really capable of this.

If you’ve been wondering where our bubbly Charlotte is, her university commitments have upped the anti, so sadly she will not be able to return to work until things really settle down for her. Charlotte really wants to do well in her Masters in Exercise Physiology.

The Bay Island trip is being planned because there is such interest in seeing something on our Brisbane doorstep that they have never visited. Keep your eyes peeled for more information on the Green Apple Social Committee Noticeboard (in the courtyard).

Bridie and Tiffany were away last week attending the My Health for Life training. This is a new program devised by the government to provide education over a 6 month period for people at risk of a chronic condition. It is the course that partners the Enhanced Primary Care initiative which is a Medicare service that provides funding for people diagnosed with a chronic condition. Doctors can refer patients who are AT RISK (not officially diagnosed) to the My Health for Life, which is different to patients with a DIAGNOSED chronic condition, who can be referred to the Green Apple via an Enhanced Primary Care plan. They are separate categories and a patient will meet either one criteria or the other. If any member wants to know more about My Health for Life we will be putting more details in the newsletter as we finalise our plans to deliver the program. You may have friends or family who qualify. The course will be provided free to the participant.

Sunny’s Pain Management Wellness Workshop is starting on Saturday, October 14 at 11am. The total cost for this Wellness Workshop is $33. If you or anyone that you know suffer from chronic pain, this is a fantastic workshop to come along to and learn about what chronic pain is, how your brain is involved and how you can help yourself with exercise.

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  • No structured exerciseStructured exercise 1-2 times per weekStructured exercise 3-5 times per weekStructured exercise 6-7 times per week